ARES / RACES NET - Every Tuesday 7PM EST 146.700 PL123.0 Echolink #845553

Net Check-In form below is for

Net Control Stations Only.

The Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) offers a wide range of skills and resources to support radio communication needs. This group of skilled radio operators is dedicated to providing vital communication services during times of disasters, helping our served agencies such as the Red Cross, hospitals, shelters, schools, and more. When other forms of communication fail, ham radio continues to work reliably, ensuring critical communications are never lost. 

Fulton County NY ARES Officials

Emergency Coordinator - Steve Kuck K2ALS

Assistant EC - Howard Selwitz KD2ABK

Assistant EC - Scott Turner W8NUD

Net Manager - Scott Turner W8NUD

If you're interested in serving as the Net Control Station (NCS) for our weekly Tuesday ARES/RACES Net, please inform Scott W8NUD of your interest, and he will help you get scheduled. To practice, you can download the script provided below, follow along with the current NCS, and make a list of check-ins. You may be pleasantly surprised at how easy it is to get the hang of it, and before you know it, you'll be a regular. We are always in need of NCS's and would be delighted to welcome you into the team. 

We highly recommend watching one of the best instructional videos on how to participate in a net. It's an excellent resource to help you get started and become more comfortable with net operations. 

TRYON Scripts and Forms

VHF Net Script

Use this script for the Tuesday ARES/RACES Net

HF Net Script

Use this script for the HF Nets

Net Check-In Form

Use this online form to report net check-ins.

ARES Field Resource Manual

ARRL ARES Level 2 Training:

Simple Dipole Antenna

To calculate the length of wire for one leg of your dipole, use the simple 1234 Rule:

1 side is 234 / Frequency in Megahertz.

Example: for a 75m dipole: 234 / 3.9 MHz = 60′   Overall length of this dipole is 120′ or 2 60′ legs.

Installing PL259 or N Connectors

Installing Anderson Powerpole Connectors

ITU Phonetic Alphabet

A - Alfa - "AL FAH"

B - Bravo - "BRAH VOH"

C - Charlie - "CHAR Lee or SHAR Lee"

D - Delta - "DELL TAH"

E - Echo - "ECK OH"

F - Foxtrot - "FOKS TROT"

G - Golf - "GOLF"

H - Hotel - "HOH TELL"

I - India - "IN DEE AH"

J - Juliet - "JEW LEE ETT"

K - Kilo - "KEY LOH"

L - Lima - "LEE MAH"

M - Mike - "MIKE"

N - November - "NO VEM BER"

O - Oscar - "OSS CAH"

P - Papa - "PAH PAH"

Q - Quebec - "KEH BECK"

R - Romeo - "ROW ME OH"

S - Sierra - "SEE AIR RAH"

T - Tango - "TANG GO"

U - Uniform - YOU NEE FORM"

V - Victor - "VIK TAH"

W - Whiskey - "WISS KEY"

X - X-ray - "ECKS RAY"

Y - Yankee - "YANG KEY"

Z - Zulu - "ZOO LOO"

The use of ITU (International Telecommunications Union), or NATO, phonetics in both tactical and formal message traffic handling is essential for accurate and efficient communications. From the beginning of radiotelephone communications, several different phonetic alphabets have been used. During WWII, the United States used one version, while the British used another. Other countries had a different phonetic alphabet than either of those allies. In 1956, the ITU adopted the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) phonetic alphabet. Today it is the worldwide standard for military, civilian aeronautical, and maritime use, search and rescue groups, public safety, and the Amateur Radio Relay League (ARRL). 

Good Net Practices

Best practices for net control and station operators during public service events or emergencies. Advice from the members of the Marin Amateur Radio Society in Marin County, CA. 

ARRL Forms and Manuals

FEMA Online Training

IS-100.C: Introduction to the Incident Command System

IS-200.C: Basic Incident Command System for Initial Response

IS-700.B: An Introduction to the National Incident Management System

IS-800.D: National Response Framework, An Introduction