
Our VE Team :

Don Gifford Wa2eZ, Howard Selwitz KD2ABK, Joe O'Neill KB2TJE, Alan Waschak KD2RAI, Rocco Conte WU2M, Edgar Barranco K2UN, Earl Ward KR2L, Leo Lesko WW2LL, Dave Marshall KD2WKQ, Rick Fallis WB2NLE, Graham Northup KD2EMC.


When:  Usually 1st Saturday of the Month CHECK OUR CALENDAR FRIST!

Time:  9:30AM  VE's please come at 9 am.

Where: 231 N. Perry St., Johnstown NY 12095, Fulton County EOC. (see map below)

You Must Register For An FCC Registration Number (FRN) see blow...

We provide ARRL tests the 1st Saturday of most months. Tests begin at 9:30am, walk-ins are allowed.  ARRL Exams cost $15, the FCC fee for the license is $35 for 10 years.

Please register for the test below, it helps us be prepared.

You must check the schedule below to verify test dates using our zip code 12095.

Register Here For A Test

You Must Register For An FCC Registration Number (FRN)

Use The Exam Resources Button To Help You Study.

You Must Download This Document Below!

Fulton County, NY EOC

All Testing and Meetings are being held here.  Enter via the rear door, from the parking lot behind the building.  See map below.

Buddy and Chloe say "YOU CAN DO IT!!!"

What to bring to your test session:

2 Forms of ID (1 must be a photo ID)

Must have an FCC Registration Number FRN.

If upgrading your license, must have :

a copy of your current license, any unexpired CSCE's.

Cash (exact change please) or Check made out to ARRL VEC.

Pencil & Blue or Black pen.

Non-Programmable calculator if desired.

Online Testing

If you would like to take a test online, click the button below.